Sunday, 10 March 2013

wedding dress and this and that

Sorry I've been a bit slack this week with posting. Have spent a lot of time in front of the computer with work, and have been trying to sort some wedding things out, which hasn't left me much time or motivation for blogging. 

I ordered my wedding dress yesterday, which was exciting and nerve racking!! As was going into a bridal shop on a Saturday. Alone!!! The last few times I went during the week in the school holidays, and there was maybe 1 other bride with her mum in there. One bride had had about 8 girls with her!! I had narrowed it down to two, but pretty much had my mind made up, tried them both on, went and had a tea down the road, and went back and ordered it. I loved it the first time I tried it on, but it was different to what I thought I would get, and everything I had pinned and cut out of magazines. But 2 months on and having tried on a dozen other dresses, and it was still my favourite. It felt comfortable, and I loved it. 

Karen Willis Holmes 2012007 Karen Willis Holmes 2012 Collection

I'll have a different belt though. That is one of the last BIG things I had to do for the wedding. Less than 6 months to go!

While I was in Brisbane I also dropped in to a friend's 30th birthday party, which was nice. Drinks and games in the park, catching up with lots of old friends. I am sure things got messy later in the night though. 

L and watched Silver Linings Playbook last night. It was good, and lots of good performances, but I wouldn't rave about it. I also thought the ending was a bit predictable and rom-com tied up in a bow, when the rest of the movie wasn't. Last week we saw Zero Dark Thirty, which I would rave about. I thought it also had amazing performances, good amounts of drama-and Drazic!!!

The sun is finally out, so we are hoping to get the decks done next weekend. If the rain stays away the wood should be dry enough. Fingers crossed!


  1. cute dress! When is your wedding date?

    1. Thanks! 31st August. Coming up quickly!!!

  2. I still don't undersdtand why "playbook" is in the title! Did I miss something crucial in the movie??

    1. Actually, I don't know either. Maybe I missed it too... Hmm....

  3. Replies
    1. Karen Willis Holmes. So tricky deciding between all of her beautiful dresses!!!


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